Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Critical Engagement Essay Good Kid M.a.a.d City

Critical Engagement Essay #2: good kid m.A.A.d city, Confessions When asked to find something that relates to St. Augustine’s book, Confessions, people may think of his mother, Saint Monica. Maybe people look back on the book and they think of his sex addiction or perhaps his friend’s addiction to the gladiatorial games. The last thing people think when asked to find something that relates to St. Augustine’s book, Confessions is Kendrick Lamar. Comparing Kendrick Lamar’s album, good kid m.A.A.d city and Augustine’s Confessions, a reader will find that the book and the album are almost exactly alike in terms of the author’s choice of composition, the author’s choice of media (choice of, and the author’s intended message. St. Augustine begins his narrative, remembering his adolescence. Augustine remembers in his prayer to God that when he was younger all he cared for was â€Å"simply to love and to be loved†. He found it di fficult in his adolescence to loosen the grip sex and lust had on him. Later in Augustine’s prayer he speaks about his dealing with his friends. Augustine explains that he constantly felt pressured by his buddies to do something wrong. Deep down Augustine knew he shouldn’t have stolen the pears.1 Augustine says â€Å"alone I would never have done it.†1 Towards the end of the book we finally get Augustine’s conversion to Christianity. Throughout Confessions, Augustine explains the hardships and questions he went through from childhood, all the way to his mid 30’s in

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